How To Maintain Solar Panels? Know from Kent Paul Scarborough, Former CEO & Entrepreneur

We all know that solar panels require very little maintenance as there are no moving parts to grease up or wear out, but that doesn’t mean you need not bother about them at all. Kent Paul Scarborough- a professional from Australia tells that after some time solar panels tend to lose their efficiency to convert solar light into clean electrical energy. This is because dirt, dust, leaves, debris and others things can affect the amount of solar light that falls on the solar cells. Hence, regular maintenance is highly recommended to ensure top performance of your solar panels at home or office. Kent Scarborough highlights that timely maintenance will keep your solar panels working at their best and will also lengthen their life span impressively. This will also enable you to enjoy free power for an extensive stretch of time. Kent Paul Scarborough gives top 3 essential tips for maintenance of solar panels below: 1. Regular Cleaning Kent Scarborou...